Thursday, August 1, 2013

Yesterday was a challenge, had to return one of the bra's to Kohl....ahhh how I love Kohls.  Vera Wang tops, tonnes of stuff to choose from and always on sale.  Plus it reminds me of the old Farmers stores in NZ.  Managed to walk all the way through to returns with a barely a slowdown past some nice handbags.  Almost bought a t-shirt for Eliot (pigs doing "Ham-nam style") but managed to get out of there.  Kept telling myself I could make it myself.  But made me realize that like an alcoholic, putting the bottle in front of me is not a good thing!
Done 10 days, only 355 to go :>)

I buy $148 worth of new bra's

and pictures for you.  It's OK, it was the last thing I had to buy on my list...shredded jeans yes, shredded bra's no.  Hopefully the gym ladies think my husband has been ripping them off with passion, instead of the washing machine!
I get the standard ones I always get, feeling quite nervous since they have to last a year.

Monday, July 22, 2013

So today is July 22 2013 and I'm looking at my wardrobe stuffed with 'NothingToWear'.  Inspired by Scoutie Girl and some other stuff I've been reading, I think it's time to address this obsession.  So I'm going to try a whole month (after I've bought some new bra's as mine are falling apart).

Here is my list:
  • No new clothes
  • No new shoes
  • No new accessories
  • No new handbags (my Achilles heel!)
 I can make stuff, alter stuff, sell stuff and buy clothes for the kids (when they grow out of it).  People can give me gifts, I can lose weight to fit more and concentrate on the crafts I love.

If I can get through 2 months I can buy the Mini Course $27, tell my friends and hopefully get some support from my hubby.
So here is the state of the wardrobe/closet
and here is the last thing I bought
Wish me luck